September 22, 2017


We love speaking with different women about their experience of swimming - where they swim and who with (if anyone) and what it is that makes it magical for them. 

This week we caught up with Libby, a writer living in London who is one half of The Swimming Sisters (check them out on Instagram). Libby is currently very busy editing her first novel, The Lido, which is due out next May and was inspired in part by her love of swimming! What an apt Deakin and Blue Muse!


Fitness Swimwear Deakin and Blue Supportive Flattering Swimwear Real Women


Libby - it's such a pleasure to have a chance to talk with you. You're obviously a big advocate of swimming and in particular, outdoor swimming - how often do you swim yourself?

I swim as often as I can (which is never often enough!). In London, where I live, I go to my local leisure centre but I particularly love swimming outdoors. Some of my favourites are Parliament Hill Lido, the Serpentine, Kenwood Ladies Ponds, and Brockwell Lido (where my book is set)! With my sister Alex we love going on wild swimming adventures. I often visit her for swimming trips in Cumbria, where she lives, and this week we are heading to Lake Bled in Slovenia for a wild swimming adventure.

Deakin and Blue Navy Swimwear Libby




What do you enjoy most about swimming?

For both Alex and I, outdoor swimming is less about the distance and more about the experience of being together in the outdoors, sharing a wonderful experience. Sometimes we swim longer distances, but often we just float in the water and observe the world around us. Nature looks completely different from that perspective, and the rush of the cold water makes you feel incredibly alive. I find swimming a great way to stay healthy, physically but perhaps more importantly - mentally too. 



And how long have you been swimming for?

I have only been swimming for a few years. When I was younger I hated all sports and was really unconfident in the water. But a few years ago Alex (my much sportier sister) gave me some lessons, which really helped improved my confidence. I found that swimming was a great antidote to stress, and I started going regularly. With help from Alex and a lot of patience, I found myself swimming further and faster and enjoying it so much that I now can't imagine my life without it.   

Deakin and Blue Swimwear for Swimming Libby


It sounds like you swim with Alex mostly, but do you ever swim on your own?

My favourite thing to do is to swim with my sister, or with other water lovers. However, sadly Alex and I don't live in the same place, so I often swim on my own in London. But I find that I always end up chatting to people in the changing room or in the water: outdoor swimming in particular is a very friendly and welcoming sport I've found.



Have you got a favourite swim or swim spot?

I love Kenwood Ladies Pond in Hampstead because it is so tranquil, yet is hidden in the capital city. I feel very proud to live in a city that has so much nature and so many places to swim outdoors, as well as so much history and culture. But my favourite place to swim is in the Lake District with my sister.

Deakin and Blue Active Swimwear Libby

What first attracted you to Deakin and Blue?

I love the idea of swimwear designed with women's bodies in mind, and the simplicity of the designs really appeals to me.

Which Deakin and Blue swimwear do you own?

I own the Signature Swimsuit in Navy, but also borrow my sister's Lily two piece from time to time. I wear a size 10 Monroe.

How do you feel in your Deakin and Blue swimwear?

I love the one piece - I feel smart and supported, but comfortable too.

And how is your Deakin and Blue swimwear different to anything else you have swum in?

My navy one piece is the most sophisticated swimsuit I have ever swum in! When I first wore it Alex commented that it was the swimming costume equivalent of a chic ballgown. I like that idea!

Ha ha - we like that too! Any final words to friends and fans of Deakin and Blue?

Happy Swimming!

Thank you Libby!


It was a real pleasure to catch up with Libby. You can follow her and Alex's adventures over on Instagram and you can pre-order her book The Lido on Amazon today! 

Are you interested in chatting to us about your experience of swimming and swimwear for our series? Get in touch at And in the meantime, keep an eye out for the next post in our series Real Women Wear D&B.