MOTIVATION: Five Ways to Enjoy the Autumn Sun

November 02, 2017

MOTIVATION: Five Ways to Enjoy the Autumn Sun

Autumn has arrived. That golden light and those crunchy leaves. Even in the heart of London it's hard to ignore mother nature doing her thing and sprinkling little shards of yellow and orange all over the place. 

It's easy at this time of year to coup up, to dive back under the duvet, to stay in, to make stews and to eat all the potatoes. Oh, just us? And yet we know that making the most of these autumnal days is not just good for your Instagram, it's good for your heart and your mind too. So here are five ways to enjoy the autumn sun this year...

Deakin and Blue Autumn Days



1. Go for a leaf-crunching walk

Easy to do on route to the train or as an activity in its own right. Crunching leaves is at the top of the autumn checklist and for good reason. Not just satisfying on the eyes and underfoot but also on the ears - who couldn't smile and feel good listening to that delicious sound. We prefer our leaf-crunching walks followed by a swift pint of cider in the local pub. 


2. Head to the seaside

Towel optional. There are few places greater than the seaside on an autumnal day. If you're not brave enough to nip in the water (and we don't blame you) then a lovely stroll soaking up that blustery sea air followed by fish and chips is a perfect way to spend an afternoon.


3. Swim in a lido

Lidos are a glorious way of enjoying the outdoors year-round. We'd personally opt for the heated variety (and there are plenty nationwide) but heated or unheated, enjoy floating and swimming in the outdoors with all the safety and comfort of a lifeguard, showers and a changing room. 


4. Read a great book

When did you last make time to sit and read a good book? Whether you're perched in a window basking in the light or braving the outside (cup of tea and warm coat to hand) take some time to immerse yourself in a well loved book. We suggest early afternoon on Sunday just pre-sunset as the best time for reading light.


5. Spend time in the garden

If you're lucky enough to have a garden, then planting bulbs and building bonfires are a cracking way to spend a lazy afternoon at this time of year. What's more, there's nothing better than that feeling of wholesome tiredness after an afternoon well-exerted.